about the artist
I'm Meri - a vampire-obsessed goth girl, norse pagan witch, crazy cat mom and self-taught jewelry artist. I make gothic, geeky, pagan, witchy and alternative lifestyle jewelry and accessories from a wide variety of techniques and materials. I've been creating jewelry for over 30 years and first began making chainmaille in 2012. These days I primarily focus on chainmaille and metal stamping. All of my creations are made at the beautiful LAke of the Ozarks in Missouri, where I moved permanently in 2018 to be with my Fiance, Thomas. When not in the studio with my feline overlords, I work at a rural animal shelter helping dogs and cats find their best friends.

about the royal rescues
all nocturne's armoire items are made in a cat-friendly studio under the supervision of THe Royal rescues - ten spoiled rotten rescue kitties living a life of royalty, along with their feline nephew, niblet. items marked with the Royal Rescues logo will have a portion of sales donated to select cat rescues. We will always try our very best to avoid cat hair in shipping packages, but please understand that a sprinkling of cat hair "glitter" may sometimes be unavoidable. - consider it a blessing from the goddess Freya for those who are worthy.

*COMING SOON - Black Cat Bridal*
Before moving to Missouri, I spent over 20 years in the bridal industry creating "traditional" wedding jewelry and headpieces for a company based in Illinois. I have always been inspired personally to create alternative bridal designs including highly colorful or gothic pieces. For several years I sold my bridal and formal designs under the name "Tilleyjewels Bride". During a recent studio reorganization I found both supplies and several finished wedding pieces that had been packed away for several moves and it brought forth a renewed desire to start back again.
Black cats are considered by some to be evil or bad luck. However English superstition says that gifting a black cat to a couple on their wedding day will bring good luck and a long, happy life together. The vikings gifted house cats to new brides to honor Freyja, the norse goddess of both love and war, who was said to ride in a chariot led by cats. As a Norse Pagan witch, I cannot think of a better way to honor my beliefs than to allow these cat-based traditions to inspire my bridal business.